The traditional form of building your dream home involved you going to a designer with you new home building ideas, spending the time discussing and drawing and planning, and then going to a contractor, who would look at your plans and say yes or no. Very often, though, the contractor would tell you that he could do it, but a certain detail would have to change.
Whether it was the dimensions to the laundry room, the layout of the living room, the structure of the bedroom, it did not matter what had to change. The contractor would instruct you to go back to the designer and fix it, and then return to him when it was ready for his part of the bargain. There were even times when the poor person wanting to build their dream home had to go back and forth between designer and contractor a half dozen times until both were happy with the outcome.
But that is just silly. Why bounce around to two completely different people when you can work with a company that has a designer and a contractor working side by side? Finding a company that has those two very important roles under the same roof means that they have worked together, get along with each other, and know their styles, making the design process fly right by, and then the construction can begin that much sooner. This technique is know as the design build process.
Utilizing both workers with the same company, the contract burden falls to one person, minimizing the risks for the homeowner. As people are realizing how much sense it makes, and how available this is, the design build process is growing in popularity. In 2010 it accounted for over 40 percent of all residential construction. This was over $200 billion in profits, which almost doubled the volume from just four years prior.
Rather than looking into a dream home remodeling company or other home remodel contractors, seek out a design build company with your home building ideas. Do not settle for some other dream home, when you can buy the land of your dreams, and then specify every single architectural detail in your very own dream home. Design build can make the process simple, get it started sooner, and get you into the home that you have always dreamed of, instead of you settling into the home that someone else always dreamed of. For more information see this: www.arochadesignbuild.com
6 responses to “Cut Out the Middle Man When Building Your Dream Home Hire a One Stop Designer and Contractor”
does anyone know how expensive it is to get your own home built? can it be comparable to just buying a new house anyway?
if you are just buying a new house, it can be relatively similar. but if you are buying an older house in the middle of the country somewhere, a fixer upper, the old house will be cheaper
if you are just buying a new house, it can be relatively similar. but if you are buying an older house in the middle of the country somewhere, a fixer upper, the old house will be cheaper
if you are just buying a new house, it can be relatively similar. but if you are buying an older house in the middle of the country somewhere, a fixer upper, the old house will be cheaper
if you are just buying a new house, it can be relatively similar. but if you are buying an older house in the middle of the country somewhere, a fixer upper, the old house will be cheaper
if you are just buying a new house, it can be relatively similar. but if you are buying an older house in the middle of the country somewhere, a fixer upper, the old house will be cheaper