Having a home irrigation system with automatic sprinklers can be very convenient. Often, you simply have to set the time for the days and times you want your landscaping watered, and the system does the rest. That is perhaps one of the main reasons many homeowners want to install home irrigation systems or a sprinkler irrigation system. As such, many people may be wondering how to install an irrigation system.
The process of installing a home irrigation system can be an investment, so it is important that you use the proper tools and do the job right.
The first think you will do is find the water supply that you will use for the home irrigation system. You may need to consult your building plans to find just exactly where those pipes are.
Mark out the areas with stakes where you want the sprinklers for your home irrigation system. You should also mark the areas you will be digging trenches that will connect the system. You should make sure there are no underground utilities or wires where you will be digging. You should call your local utility companies to mark where those utilities are before you start digging trenches for your home irrigation system.
You will then dig the trenches using a trenching machine. The depth of the trenches will be approximately 6 inches deep. You will then turn off the water main and splice tubing into that using tee fittings and copper line.
You will then dig a trench line from the water line to the place you want the valve box to go for your home irrigation system. It is important to understand the directions that came with your valve box to make sure you attach the pipes of your home irrigation system correctly.
You will then place the pipes into the trenches and connect them correctly to sprinkler heads, and then to the valve box. The final steps will include filling in the trenches and placing the timer for the home irrigation system.
Because the process of installing a home irrigation system can be labor intensive and complicated, you may want to hire professionals. In addition to installing your irrigation system, they can also provide irrigation system repair and maintenance.
Continue reading here: www.cbirrigationinc.com