Based on the trends for residential construction numbers that municipalities are seeing, there are a little more than 600,000 new homes being built each month. With that level of new construction and the existing client base, there can be challenges for municipalities and landfill services in terms of disposal management. By looking at the information about solid waste management and energy solutions associated with it, you may be able to better plan for your next construction development, including the possibility of instituting some green energy initiatives.
Finding the right municipal solid waste management solutions or access to landfills does not have to be too difficult with some preliminary research. Generally, new developments should be able to identify the landfills and waste management businesses servicing their region, but analyzing industry reviews and and feedback will allow you to choose the best service. You may want to start with industry association recommendations and referrals, or you could solicit info from your colleagues to get referrals for landfill consultants.
As you develop your project plan for new construction, begin to document the residential impact of your project. You can use these numbers and your demographic data to request the initial bids from landfill services and waste management companies. In conjunction with your preliminary research, you may want to initiate some follow up research concerning the most efficient services for your area. Taking your short list of prospective companies and some initial requests for bids, you can flesh out the budget with regards to your development costs.
One thing to keep in mind is that for every customer that contracts for their new home or commercial development, they are basing their decisions and risk on your project and the infrastructure that will have to be built out. Also, by engaging your contractors and services early, you can better oversee your various subcontractors and their clean energy initiatives you are offering.
While there can be some flexibility as you move to final design and development, once you identify need for landfill services, you should begin to collect relevant estimates also, to insure that you are both on the same page. Considering the amount of typical engineering for construction and development can be finished relatively quickly, it makes sense to lock in a plan for final scheduling.
If you can keep an open mind as you look at landfills and waste management services, it may provide some flexibility to improve your construction schedule and still deliver some financial advantages. It could be that you weigh services that require a smaller project window to improve initial cash flow and expense management for your construction projects. Again, researching the capabilities of the different services and their options can help you through your development phases.