When it comes to the importance of a room’s appearance, bathrooms rank high on the lists of most homeowners. Bathroom remodels are common projects that come with hefty price tags, plus the hassle of either performing the work yourself or having strangers in your home doing the work for you. If your budget and your patience demand a smaller project and your bathroom is starting to appear dated, try refinishing the tub in a new color. To do this, follow the five simple steps below and put updating the bathroom behind you in one Saturday or Sunday morning.
Necessary Tools and Materials
- Bathtub refinishing kit
- 600 and 400 grit sandpaper
- Paintbrush
- abrasive pad
- paint roller
- caulk
- abrasive cleaner
- epoxy
Directions To Refinish Bathtub
- Use a cleaner to remove any anti slip strips from the bottom of the tub, then scrub the entire club with the abrasive cleaner and pad as well as Limeaway.
- Using wet sandpaper, either the 400 or the 600 as needed, sand the surface of the tub to both remove any grime or lime residue remaining after you cleaned. This will also make your tub more adhesive in the next steps.
- Mix the epoxy and apply it to the tub surface with either the brush or roller as the needed. Any bubbles you see in the paint are no cause for concern because epoxy self-levels as it dries. For the best results, only paint in one direction, in this coats. Feather brush strokes where necessary to avoid hard lines and apply 4 coats total, 2 at a time, with an hour in the middle to dry.
- Recaulk the area around your tub, including all corners and the area around the shelves in bathtub corners.
- All that is left to refinish bathtub coloring is clean up, and always remember denatured alcohol when cleaning caulk.
While those who do not enjoy performing this type of task may not have a good time, far better to refinish bathtub epoxy yourself if possible rather than calling in bathtub refinishers. Worse yet would be the cost of replacing a bathtub entirely. An updated look at a minimal cost makes manual labor for one weekend morning well worth it.
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