Whether you’re remodeling your home with the hopes of selling it in mind, or simply looking for a bit of garnishment to spruce things up around the house, you’ll be pleased to learn that you have plenty of options at your fingertips and resources at your disposal.
Fixing and remodeling homes used to be a nightmare. Recouping costs has always been notoriously difficult, and homeowners didn’t always have so much choice when it came to remodeling. The most vital improvements most often had to do with repairs, refurbishing older parts of the home, and ensuring that there were no safety hazards which could endanger the lives of potential buyers.
Luckily, these days, you no longer need to spend hours on bended-knee with a wrench in hand or pull any hair out trying to decide which improvements will net you the best return when it comes to selling your house. Since homes are typically a lot more structurally sound than they were years ago, a lot of today’s most attractive improvements come not from infrastructure repair, but from your sense of style! That’s right — having good taste in furniture may actually be your saving grace when it comes time to put your house up and think about recouping some of the costs you’ve incurred.
Most of us know that kitchen remodeling has always been popular for home sellers. While some serious gains can be made in the kitchen, potential buyers are looking at more rooms than just the kitchen these days. According to Remodeling Magazine’s annual Cost vs Value report, an average bathroom remodeling job costs just a hair over $15,000, but will typically recoup over 70% of those costs when a sale is made. A good bathroom design has also been shown to entice potential buyers.
But those are large jobs. As mentioned, you may see similar numbers just by adding your own sense of style to the home. Quality pieces of furniture seem to make quite the impact on a buyer. Think along the lines of an entertainment cabinet (maybe where your television would sit), or another type of custom cabinetry. Custom pieces (understandably) are very attractive to most buyers. Home library cabinets and bookshelves are popular, too, giving the home a feeling of sophistication and coziness.
You don’t stand much to lose, either — nearly 7.6 million homeowners will remodel their kitchens this year in the United States, but not all of them will have the advantage of knowing how much your furniture counts for (or against!) you. Home library cabinets, wardrobes, and anything you can think of that looks and functions nicely is likely to pay dividends in the long run. Just make sure you take your time. The NKBA (The National Kitchen and Bath Association) recommends taking at least six months to plan things out and evaluate your situation before breaking ground or making any purchases.
If you do decide to go with something simple and tasteful like home library cabinets, it’s important to know that you’re not being pressed to buy any specific pieces because they’re the “right” or “wrong” one. Instead, you’re choosing something that you find attractive, and would be happy to keep in your home. The next tenants may agree, and be willing to pay a little extra to inherit your stylish abode!